groen, ux consulting, ux experts, drupal development, drupal experts, usability testing

Business Challenge

The Flemish Greens - Groen - needed to launch a new and improved website in time for the general elections in Belgium. The client envisioned an innovative and accessible site that put visitors and people at the heart of Groen's online brand experience.

The structure and content of the corporate website had to clearly demonstrate where the party makes a difference, driving conversion and engagement. The site had to be mobile first, responsive and tightly focussed on user needs, offering a fresh new look and feel.

Our Approach

To appeal to larger audiences and maximise accessibility for mobile users, the corporate site was designed and built as mobile-first. Appnovation worked in an agile collaboration with Groen's design team, leveraging design systems to create a fully responsive site. UX trajectory was designed to ensure the end product would meet user expectations and Groen's objectives, thus delivering a digital experience to remember. 

Our digital delivery team established a high-level sitemap for information architecture and site structure proposal, alongside organising a card sorting to validate the structure. From that, we made wireframes and built an interactive prototype using real content, which provided necessary input for both visual design and technical development. To validate the prototype, we asked people from the target audiences to use the prototype and observed how well they could perform typical tasks.

Customer Outcome

The result? A fully mobile responsive website that puts the user experience at its core, driving engagement and empowering the public with critical information about the Flemish Green. A relatable, fresh and effortless digital experience for all visitors, communicating the party's main messages around quality of life. Groen continues to serve the public with 10 seats in the Flemish Parliament. 


local groups working online and on the ground towards green and social policies