Canadian Network for Internal Surgery

Business Challenge

The Canadian Network for International Surgery (CNIS) is a non-profit organization that promotes the delivery of essential surgical care to underprivileged people in low-income countries. The CNIS emphasizes education in surgical work and techniques. It also works in surgical development and research.

The goal of CNIS is to reduce maternal and injury mortality rates for people in Africa, where there are simply not enough skilled healthcare workers. The CNIS Mobile Optimized Skills Training (MOST) project uses mobile surgical skills training to accelerate the number of healthcare workers that can be taught essential surgical skills.

Our Approach

The solution created was a mobile experience that uses avatars and case-based training to provide a pragmatic, active learning experience. Unlike existing face-to-face courses which are taught by visiting doctors to a limited group, MOST will enable skill sharing in the community long after visiting teams have left.


Customer Outcome

CNIS now has a comprehensive mobile training platform that right out of the box had 5 newly created mobile courses enabled with case-based training functionality to better prepare healthcare workers in the field.




healthcare practitioners have been trained in a variety of lifesaving surgical skills.

Canadian Network for International Surgery (CNIS)