Growth amounts to a series of purposeful actions and those actions are best driven by good marketplace intelligence and clear metrics to define corporate focus and point to the next course of action. If good information promotes growth and growth allows for success, why doesn’t every organization just do it?
Risk vs. reward. The learning curve. Integration pain.
If the effort is large enough to post a sizeable obstacle in terms of time and cost, the return may never be enough to justify the process. To achieve a good ROI, choose a set of tools that are effective and powerful. A toolset that integrates well with the existing infrastructure, as well as the new pieces of the puzzle. By getting the right tools in place, it's possible to light the way to success.
Using a product like Net Promoter’s Satmetrix, customer experience and actions are tracked. This leads to clear insights into user actions: when they drop out of the experience and how they could better be ushered to take action. Net Promoter differentiates from static market research and focuses on an iterative process of analyzing the customer experience perpetually. The marketplace evolves as do the customer needs. Net Promoter works as a rolling predictor of growth. Predictors can indicate early if the effort that goes into a given tactic is yielding a good return on investment, or if the approach needs to be adjusted to fan the flames of its success.
Net Promoter (aka NPS) gathers customer satisfaction and loyalty data to inform day-to-day decisions. That information can be polled via the NPS API to draw in data as needed to build custom views and insights. The insights and data from your analytics product do more than predict and hone customer behaviour, they can be a window into your infrastructure's current health. The quality of customer engagement can be a symptom of issues with your infrastructure.
The exposed behaviours of customers can shed light on other elements of your infrastructure when that data is coupled with other inputs-- other data sources. There is a border to what NPS pulls in relevant to the customer actions. Other parts of a corporate entity produce their own data. For example, an organization can have available traffic vs. capacity; when new content and new products are produced; and indicators of the success of your production workflow.
To combine data sources, MuleSoft’s ESB can be a core connector in enterprise integration. Using a connector like ESB to pull these disparate pieces of data together can give you a good look at the big picture and ask key questions about effort vs. reward: Are customers turning into repeat customers? Does delivery impact customer loyalty? Do marketing pushes drive sales to go for a better profit margin, or do they create production bottlenecks that may impact the customers' perceptions? Is there a peak efficiency available at points in the production workflow that are improved or impeded through other changes (intake, supply, labour, optional pricing, etc.)?
Mulesoft ESB can take away the pain of point-to-point integration. This affords an organization more agility. It gives decision makers information to act on. It lets an organization build for growth by listening to the actions of customers and coupling that with other data sources and forming a clearer picture of what needs to happen to succeed and leave customers satisfied.